Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Impact Of Privacy On The Internet - 1618 Words

As technology continues to advance, the world continues to shrink. Information can be easily obtained with a click of a mouse. Since this information is keystrokes away, how can individuals or businesses monitor this public information on the Internet? Can this accessible information violate an individual’s privacy? First, the word privacy is defined in numerous ways from an individual or business perspective. Based on these different views of privacy, this can impact operations or people’s life. The definition of privacy for a business is to collect information about its customers, but respect the customer’s privacy. Businesses took the concern of individual’s privacy a long time ago, and created a section of the business for privacy†¦show more content†¦According to McCreary, â€Å"that growth rate reflects more than just a greater appreciation of privacy protection as a business responsibility† (McCreary pg.5, 2008). The rise of these executive positions and organizations is due to privacy regulations that impact businesses. With privacy laws, businesses can collect people’s personal information, analyze it, but the business has to be within reason. Before these privacy laws, business were able to collect all the information that the company can access and use that information to their advantage. If the information leaked out or was stolen, the business did not have to disclose the issue with the public or even the company’s customers. Now, businesses have to release to the public on any breaches of security such as their privacy. When California passed legislation in 2003, â€Å"companies were obligated to alert them to a breach at the earliest reasonable moment after it was discovered† (McCreary pg.6, 2008). After this regulation was passed, other states began to adopt their own mandates of security to protect individual’s privacy. Ultimately, this changed how business analyzed their risk equation. Businesses would have to face the consequences when information is breached, and the reputation from its customers. Enterprises are trying to be proactive when collecting, storing and protecting an individual’s data. A privacy checklist for a business

Friday, December 20, 2019

Covered with Dust Truman Capote Essay - 1176 Words

In an excerpt from â€Å"In Cold Blood†, Truman Capote writes as an outside male voice irrelevant to the story, but has either visited or lived in the town of Holcomb. In this excerpt Capote utilized rhetoric to no only describe the town but also to characterize it in order to set a complete scene for the rest of the novel. Capote does this by adapting and forming diction, imagery, personification, similes, anaphora, metaphors, asyndeton, and alliteration to fully develop Holcomb not only as a town, but as a town that enjoys its isolation. Capote begins the novel with a complete description of not only the town as a whole, but also the people and landmark buildings, which allows Capote to characterize the town completely. In the first line of†¦show more content†¦Constituting the idea of isolation and enjoyment of being â€Å"out there†, Capote writes, â€Å"The local accent is barbed with a prairie twang, a ranch-hand nasalness†. He uses diction to crea te a hostile country tone to the speech and dialect of the people. The word â€Å"barbed† can be reckoned to show and simulate the want of people staying out, like when barbed wire is hung on fences of secure buildings, or the want to keep people in, like in jails. The term â€Å"twang† is used to construct the image of country folk, with farms and all knowing one another’s names. Capote uses diction in an odd way in the seventh line of the excerpt, â€Å"the land is flat, and the views are awesomely extensive†. The use of the word â€Å"awesomely† contradicts the tone of a country, calm, unobtrusive environment. In the last line of the first paragraph, Capote uses diction and a simile to show not only the setting, but the disconnect of Holcomb to the outside world. â€Å"Horses, herds of cattle, a white cluster of grain elevators rising as gracefully as Greek temples†, the discussion of the plethora of animals in the area just provides more concrete evidence that the village can be considered a farm/ rural area. When Capote compares the â€Å"white cluster of grain elevators rising† to Greek temples, its to improve the audiences understanding of how the simplest structures, are â€Å"holy† and marvelous to them. It shows their lack of worldly experience and knowledge. Continuing on to the next paragraphShow MoreRelated Use of Attics in Literature Essay4376 Words   |  18 Pagesthis array of larger objects . . . were gather incidentals like [a] Teddy bear . . . fifty years of paraphernalia, tricycles to tambourines, dressmakers dummies to diaper pails, dolls, boots, books, Christmas ornaments . . ., and, over everything, dust and mouse manure by the bale. (600). Theres even a mouse hiding inside a stuffed owl (601) This is a real attic–a quite different kind of space from an upper room. Similarly, the topmost room in the Tulliver house in George Eliots The Mill onRead MoreBelonging Essay4112 Words   |  17 Pagesfor Belonging. It has been strongly suggested that when you are choosing a related text do not choose from the below list. Tan, Amy, The Joy Luck Club Lahiri, Jhumpa, The Namesake Dickens, Charles, Great Expectations Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer, Heat and Dust Winch, Tara June, Swallow the Air Gaita, Raimond, Romulus, My Father Miller, Arthur, The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts Harrison, Jane, Rainbow’s End Luhrmann, Baz, Strictly Ballroom - film De Heer, Rolf, Ten Canoes - film Shakespeare, William, As You

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Being Stargirl Caraway free essay sample

We all have wished at one point in our life we could be someone else, had a different look or maybe even diverse personality. Our character makes us who we are or whom we wish to be, whether likable or not. In our dreams we are able to create ourselves as higher beings as kings or queens of our own worlds, for once we may stand for who we truly are in our own space and time. Every once and a while we keep in touch with our surreal selves, our real inhibitors of our bodies, the one who really should be shown to the world, the real you. We may hide our genuine self in fear of being mocked or ridiculed from others or even maybe ourselves. We should take the chance on ourselves and believe we have something to offer and contribute to someone else, somewhere. We should take the chance to make ourselves known. We will write a custom essay sample on Being Stargirl Caraway or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the book Stargirl, by Jerry Spinelli he portrays a character in just that way. She made her days meaningful and unique. She stood for herself and by herself. She knew the actual meaning of herself and where inside her, she decided to be her own person. Her compassion and enthusiasm had an effect on people as strange and obscure. When she was surrounded by other people, they had the feelings of insecurity around her beautified being. When I first enhanced myself to the book I disliked it and Stargirl’s character greatly, I thought how could she stand and not fall while everyone doubted her splendor and were pretentious to her different kind of amazing. She could stand up for who she was and not feel victimized by other regular individuals. She stood above everyone with a higher and significant meaning of the world and life to her. Everyday she shined her own true colors. I felt I didn’t like her, because she was unclear and seemed to always be at an awkward state in her life, trying to figure things out, but stuck in that frame of time. I felt sorry for her, being an outcast in a world such as high school. But, than I believe no, she would feel sorry for me or individuals who have lost insight of what really matters in life and to ourselves, we forget our happiness and leave it up to others to figure out and produce our joy. We get lost in cliques and worldly statuses, only hearing what others thin k about us and not hearing our own voice to be cared for as well. She taught me and enlightened my person of what life really means. The fear of not being accepted in our high school years is vital. She stood with enormous strength and willingness to be her own person that she had courage unimaginable. She didn’t care or thrive on others thoughts on her being, she knew and carried it with hope. Everyday most teens would rather lay down their own personal strength than stand up with a courageous heart to be their own. For me that is the most important part in life, to have a knowledge of ourselves and accept that understanding and show it to the world with humble pride.