Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Crucible - Character Responsibilities Essay - 970 Words

The Crucible was a revolutionary play which clearly depicted the Salem Witch Trials and what went on in the lives of the individuals in Salem. Some of these people were convicted of being a witch, some were not, and some were somehow connected to those being convicted. Despite the fact that everyone played some part in the Witch Trials, there are three key people who are mostly responsible for the mayhem. Overall, the three people that was most responsible for these trials would be Abigail Williams, John Proctor, and Deputy-Governor Danforth. The play erupted near the beginning with many people getting ill and the accusations of people being witches beginning. Though many may not see this, I personally view Abigail Williams being the one†¦show more content†¦The young girls all go with her plans because she threatens them if they do not help her foolish ambitions. Mary Warren gets accused of being a witch because she did not agree with Abigail and what she was doing. Abigail works her way up through the people of the town, accusing those who are sure to be convicted first before moving up to her target Elizabeth. Cunning minds can easily deceive others, which is what she tries to do to John Proctor. â€Å"I know you, John- You are this moment singing secret Hallelujahs that your wife will hang† (Pg. 51)! She sends many people to their death but continues. The plan that she instituted failed when she ended up getting John Proctor himself convicted. Abigail Williams flees Salem after Proctor is sentenced. Despite Abigail’s huge role in the Salem Witch Trials, John Proctor is a person who is clearly not innocent. Proctor himself is a smart man who can sometimes just make stupid decisions. He could have easily charged Abigail with fraud at a part in the play, but decides not to. John had an affair with Abigail when Elizabeth was ill which started Abigail on a wild fantasy. She strategically eliminated people to work her way up to Elizabeth to get her out of the way. Proctor always feels guilty about sleeping with Abigail and he is one who will never forgive himself. He feels it is his fault that the Witch Trials are occurring and that God is angry with him for being unfaithful. Despite theShow MoreRelatedSalem Witch Trials and True Essence1123 Words   |  5 PagesCrucible Essay Throughout the novel The Crucible, Arthur Miller describes how being put thought the Salem witch trials of 1692 brought out the true essence of various characters. Arthur Miller shows that the various victims who were put through trials would confess to save themselves and also the difficulties they had to face during their trial period. Characters like John Proctor, Giles Corey, and Reverend Hale were put through different kinds of trials each different from the others. 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